
We investigate the mechanical behaviour of structural concrete and develop innovative structural designs and concepts including applications of novel building materials in order to (i) maximise the service life of ageing structures with minimum intervention and (ii) minimise the use of resources and CO2 emissions in new constructions. We research novel reinforcement strategies and develop mechanical and computational models in order to ensure the structural integrity of digitally fabricated concrete structures and foster their mass-market implementation. Large-scale testing using innovative experimental setups, cutting-edge instrumentation and refined data analysis is key to our research and its impact.

Research of our group focuses on highly relevant, practically important questions in the three research fields: Future-oriented structures, external pagedigital fabrication of concrete structures, and structural design. We address specific questions in these fields through developing and applying different methodologies: Mechanical models, experimental methods, and computational analysis tools. Most of our research is relevant to more than one of these research fields, uses at least two of the methodologies and further develops at least one of them, which is then made available to engineering practice, typically in a simplified form.

Research Fields
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